Submission Guidelines
General Guidelines
Submissions can be in the form of articles, opinions, case comments and short notes on the topics of contemporary relevance.
The article should not exceed 1000 – 1500 words. [This word limit is exclusive of endnotes]
In order to draw reference, the article must provide for an appropriate link in the text itself. In case this is not feasible, the author must use endnotes as the appropriate form of citation. End notes must conform to OSCOLA (4th Edition).
Articles shall be reviewed on the basis of originality, grammar & language, contemporary relevance and contribution to existing literature. ICAR retains sole discretion to reject an article. We will publish the final piece only if the changes suggested by the Editorial Board have been accommodated to the best of your ability, and if it satisfies the ICAR quality standards.
How to Submit
Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis
Please send in your email address at
All Communication should include the following details:
Name of author(s)
Contact Details - Email address and Mobile No.
Institutional Affiliations (if any)
Academic Qualifications
Professional Status (if any)
The article should be unpublished and must be the original work of the author. Cross-posting is permitted with the prior written approval of the Editorial Board.
We encourage authors to submit their proposals mentioning the topic they are writing on and a brief description prior to submitting their manuscripts.
ArbDossier ICAR reserves the right to reject or accept a submitted blog article at any stage.
The Fine Print
As a condition of publication, the author agrees to grant ArbDossier ICAR a non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free to license to publish and reproduce the article in any format, including written or electronic. ArbDossier ICAR shall also have the ability to make available the submitted material/ publication in this blog, as well as other media/ social media belonging to ArbDossier ICAR, upon due credit to the author.
ArbDossier ICAR is committed to processing articles in a speedy and timely manner. All publications sent shall be reviewed in the shortest time frame possible, taking into consideration the Board of Editor’s university commitments. Review of posts on contemporary/ recent subject matter shall be given priority in comparison to other topics.
Privacy Statement
All information of authors collected for the purposes of publishing the article shall be strictly used for the same. Further, such information shall be treated with the best possible care, and the authors are free to approach us for deletion or amendment in the collected information.